Professional Expense Report


Make money with style, using the Professional Expense Report. Let’s face it; you’re the best in the business. No one can top your quality work and you want your customers to know it. The Expense Report template gives you or your employee’s a way to write down their services or the work they performed in a neat and organized manner. The best way to list the services you’ve rendered is by downloading this Expense Report template and listing them out, along with the price, in a clear itemized document. You can easily personalize and print this document in a matter of minutes. Start optimizing your business today.

Professional Expense Report Guide

The first thing you need to do to truly make this document your own is enter your business’s information at the top of the page. Go through ad replace the name, address, and contact number above to match your own.

As an added touch, you can change the image by right-clicking in the picture and selecting a new one from your computer with “Change Picture.”
Below the image is the date. You can click inside the cell of the date to enter the current one instead. This will help keep your files organized and efficient.

Now for the bulk of the work, enter the name of the employee or your own name if you’re the sole owner and operator of your business, the employee ID number (if one applies), the department, the manager/supervisor’s name, and the purpose of the Expense Report. All this data will help you to organize your information as well.

The next section is the itemized list of the services for your customer or as a report for your own company. Just enter the date, category, description, any notes, and the total amount for each item.

When you want to print the Professional Expense Report for a customer or your own records just scroll back to the top and select “File” then “Print.”
Now you have a fast, free, and convenient way to keep track of all expenses on one simple document.

Download: Professional Expense Report