Open House Template


Screenshot of the Open House Template

When school is in session, it makes good sense to use all the tools of the trade for a successful school year. It is possible to have the traditional “open house”, allowing students, parents and the community to take a good look at the school, curriculum and its “culture” . There needs to be a good use of time and resources. An open house is a good tool to use to sell a school and its genuine attitude about instruction and student life, but there are real tricks of the trade to get the “Open House” to be a “world class event”. An Open House Template is an effective tool to help the educator and administration get all their ducks in a row and have a wonderful event.

Come On In With the Microsoft Open House Template

Most schools and administration know to make sure the facility is cleaned, and all amenities displayed in a tasteful and inviting manner. It is common knowledge to make sure grass is mowed, windows and glass are cleaned and the cafeteria and classrooms are in order.

There are some other things that need to be on the checklist as well, such as establishing a neutral area within the school that all those visiting must check in (preferably showing ID) and check out. Some things to consider such as signage, security tips, and advertisement can be found on an Open House Template. A well organized and customized Open House Template can take the guesswork out creating a checklist for a successful Open House.

A customized Open House Template has all the desired things listed to create a visual checklist for all the things needed for a successful Open House. is an excellent resource to create, customize, download and print the template for free. is a valuable source of information pertinent to educators and administration to get the Open House off to a great start quickly and without the headaches of poor planning. Checklists just might stave off neglecting some pertinent aspects of the school and what it has to offer.

An Open House Template can also be a starting point for discussion in creating positive community relations for good teachers and staff. If an Open House is a successful event having completed those entities on the template, this could be a means to increase enrollment and community confidence. A customized Open House Template can be an effective guide to create the right learning environment and community support that every school needs.

Download: Open House Template