Meal Tracker Template


If you’re looking to lose weight or simply start eating healthier meals, the first step is organization. The Meal Tracker Template was designed to help people plan out their meals and leave the habit of eating fast food behind. The template is simple and easy to customize. After downloading this free document, you will just enter the information for your meals and their individual nutritional value into the indicated spaces and you will be set for the week! If you’re ready to start eating healthy, just take that first step and download this free template now.

Using the Meal Tracker Template

After downloading the Meal Tracker Template, you will begin by entering the dates for your next three meals in the spaces at the top of the page. You will then circle which of the days of the week your meals will fall on.

It’s best to plan out your meals ahead of time as well to make sure you have your ingredients ready for the next few days.
Each meal has 5 different columns that separate your items. First, enter the time of day, followed by the quantity, the food description/name, the number of calories, and finally the fat content.

When you need to enter different items for the same meal, you will simply fill out all the above-mentioned information on a new row for your next item. The Meal Tracker will take all the figures you entered for you meals items and give you the total for both fat and calories.

You can also use the Meal Tracker to enter each meal you will have for the day beforehand, so you have a regimen to stick to. This is extremely helpful when trying to diet because you don’t have to fall back on fast food if you don’t have the time to prepare something healthy.

You can also monitor your water intake by listing the number of cups you drank for the day.

Finally, in the last sections at the bottom of the Meal Tracker, you can list your exercises. Simply enter the time you started to work out, the routine name and the number of minutes you worked out in total.

You can see how easy it is to stay in shape by organizing your meals for the week with this template.

Download: Meal Tracker Template