Email Newsletter Template


Newsletters update customers, recruit and advertise. They provide a professional means of keeping the company in the public eye. Production of traditional paper newsletters gets expensive. Use the free Email Newsletter Template to save the time and money previously spent on production, printing and dissemination.

Electronic communication is the way of the future. Already, more electronic communication is sent than paper. Use the Email Newsletter Template to signal customers that you’re competitive and environmentally sensitive by reducing paper waste.

Why Use the Email Newsletter Template?

Use the template for the time and money saving potential. Also, use it to be able to produce more newsletters, sent to more customers, at a greater frequency than you could afford to by using traditional methods.

How to Use the Email Newsletter Template

  • First, download and save the template. Save each future newsletter in a new file.
  • Second, enter all of the company data in the customizable fields. The sidebar is where you will put contact information and things that will not frequently change. Consider adding a brief slogan or mission statement, perhaps a quote from the founder. In the top bar field put the title and logo, or a picture.
  • Third, enter articles. The template provides two professional looking pages. The next time you go to make a newsletter, open the last one. Save the file under the new issue file name. Your side bar and top header will already be done requiring minimal changes, if any.

Tips for Using the Email Newsletter Template

  • First, when presenting new products or services, always leave a teaser that continues in the next issue. This keeps readers interested and gives them a compelling reason to read your next copy.
  • Second, present the information in order of importance. Be sure the first three sentences of text are interesting. No matter how great any product, service or idea is, if it’s not presented in an interesting way, people will stop reading.
  • Third, consider some type of interactive feature to engage readers. A trivia question asked on page one with the answer provided on page two provides this easily and it keeps folks reading.

Modern business gets more competitive by the second. That won’t change. Use the fast and easy Email Newsletter Template to get your company newsletter out to more customers for less time and money.

Download: Email Newsletter Template