Moving to a new city can be an exceptionally difficult task. There are a huge number of things to remember, and once you have moved you probably won’t be able to accomplish them. In addition, forgetting something before you move can result in the loss of treasured belongings, having to drive back to your old city, and may leave you with unpaid bills. One of the best ways to avoid these problems is to use a free relocation checklist.
This relocation checklist is free to download, and is formatted to fit the needs of almost anyone. In addition, the checklist is able to be formatted to fit your particular needs. It is even possible to produce multiple different checklists that you can use for each phase of the moving process.
Tips for Using the Relocation Checklist
- Try putting all of the things you need to accomplish before you start moving at the top of the relocation checklist. This should include things like having the utilities turned off and changing your address.
- Make a relocation checklist for each room. You can format the checklist so that you know what boxes each item goes into, and how they are labeled. This will make the process of unpacking much easier.
- Use a similar method for your furniture. Have multiple boxes that tell if the item has been covered in packing material yet, and if it has been put onto the truck.
- Use the relocation checklist to document what you have. As you put each item onto the moving truck take a picture of it. This will allow you to show what condition it was in before the move, and that the item did in fact make its way onto the moving truck. This can make the process of filing a claim with the moving company’s insurance much easier.
- Make a separate checklist for the items that you are going to put into your person vehicle. This should include things like what your kids want to take with them for the drive, and delicate items that you are moving yourself.
Download: Relocation Checklist
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