Monthly Cleaning Checklist


Microsoft Monthly Cleaning Checklist

It can be one of the most cathartic things to do, or the most dreaded. Either way, it needs to be done. Some people are very organized when they clean their house, while others are scattered and have no idea where to start. And of course, there are people in the middle. If you have a monthly cleaning checklist, you can rest assured that you will get everything that needs to get done as long as you follow this easy template.

The Importance of Using a Monthly Cleaning Checklist

It’s important to use a cleaning checklist, especially if you clean at different times of the year. Sometimes there are areas of your house that should be cleaned daily, weekly, monthly and seasonally. If you keep this checklist handy, then you can track when you cleaned certain areas of your home.

This free template that can be downloaded to your PC helps you keep track of what you have and haven’t cleaned during your routine. You can use the sample that is given, or customize it to your liking. It’s simple to use and keep updated, so why wouldn’t you use it?

Staying on Task with the Monthly Cleaning Checklist

There are many items in a household that need to be done at certain times of the year. Here is a few that you can log in your monthly cleaning checklist:

  • Laundry
  • Clean windows
  • Scrub walls
  • Clean out fridge
  • Mop floors
  • Flip mattresses

The list above is just a short list of household chores that need to be kept track of to ensure they are done when they need to be done. The template is set up so that you can keep a log of things that need to be done by the day, week, month or season. Of course you can wing it, but if you do that, those specific items might never get done. Having a monthly cleaning checklist helps you stay focused on what needs to be done and in a timely manner.

Download: Monthly Cleaning Checklist