IT Job Skills Checklist


With the rise of computers and the Internet, which has completely integrated itself into the lives of everyday folks, the importance of skilled workers who can successfully support both the professional and personal use of new technologies has increased manifold. Thus, there are a large range of work opportunities open to aspiring Information Technology specialists – information technology specifically being the application of computers and telecommunications tools to transmit, store, retrieve, and manipulate data. If you’re a technical person, then a career in the IT industry can be both a prosperous and fulfilling job. Following is a short IT job skills checklist outlining the requisite skills and can be of good use in positioning yourself into the IT industry.

How to Use the IT Job Skills Checklist

You may use this IT Job Skills checklist to document your inventory of relevant skills. It is useful for you to keep a skills inventory and update it as you increase your skills. With this, you will have this information readily available when you need to update your resume, respond to questions at interviews, and give an accurate picture of your skill level at performance reviews and salary requests. You can also use it to start a plan to increase your development of skills. Alter this form towards your own needs, creating your own custom skill inventory. The IT Job Skills checklists provides several ways that you can measure and map your skills. Not every one of the skills listed in the checklist will apply particularly to you.

Tips for Using the IT Job Skills Checklist

  • Make sure to give an honest and accurate assessment to yourself as this will allow you to properly calibrate your specific skills with the right job as well as allow you to easily see which areas are necessary to improve to further your career.
  • Make sure to add other skills that aren’t listed in the IT Job Skills checklist – for instance, superior organizational talent – in order to prepare an precise assessment that covers your full repertoire of skills.

Download: IT Job Skills Checklist