Energy Cost Calculator


Microsoft Energy Calculator

Are your consistently surprised by your electric bills? Would understanding how much electricity each appliance uses in terms of actual cash help you to adjust your energy usage? Most of us go through our daily lives utilizing any number of electric appliances giving little or no thought to the amount of electricity used. An energy cost calculator will not reduce the amount of electricity consumed by each appliance but it will educate you on the actual cost of using each appliance.

Utilized effectively, this simple tool can help you make simple lifestyle choices that will allow you to keep more of your hard earned money in your pocket, where it belongs.

How to Use the Energy Cost Calculator

  1. Download this easy to use, customizable, Energy Cost Calculator available for free on this page.
  2. Review your energy bill in order to determine the cost of electricity charged to you for each kilowatt hour used.
  3. Identify as many of the electrical appliances you utilize on a regular basis from light bulbs to air conditioners and everything in between.
  4. Do your homework and find the wattage used by each appliance. Note that wattage is a measurement of electricity used over a period of one hour. A sixty watt bulb will use sixty watts of electricity in one hour.
  5. Do a critical evaluation on the number of hours each electrical device is used.
  6. Input the information you have collected into the Energy Cost Calculator. It will display the actual costs of operating each and every appliance used.

Tips for Utilizing the Energy Cost Calculator to your Benefit

  • Take a hard look at the energy consumption for each appliance. Does replacement with more energy efficient models make sense?
  • Consider the usage of automatic timers where applicable.
  • Make lifestyle adjustments that allow you to reduce consumption with the least amount of personal impact.

By understanding which devices are responsible for how much consumption; you will then be in a position to take the necessary steps to realize significant savings with minimal personal impact. Downloading this Energy Cost Calculator could be the first step towards significant savings.

Download: Energy Cost Calculator