Energy Calculator


Microsoft Energy Calculator

When it comes to saving money on your electricity bill, you can actually download what’s known as an energy calculator. The Microsoft energy calculator is a free downloadable and customizable Excel template that you can use to determine the amount of electricity you pay every year for a specific appliance. The Energy Calculator template is available for free on this page.

Once you download the template you’ll realize that there are 4 main sections that are left open that you can customize to suit your specific situation. Those 4 customizable sections are the We Pay KWH section, Appliances Section, Watts/Hour and the Hours/Days Used section. The first thing you need to do is to determine the amount of (KWH) or per kilowatt-hour that you pay for electricity. The next thing you need to do is to input the list of all the electronic appliances under the appliance section along with the watts/hour that they consume. After that you need to put in the amount of hours per day that you each appliance.

Once you’ve put in all the aforementioned information it will automatically tell you how much it costs you each year to use the device. As you can see, the energy calculator template is easy to use and can be at your fingertips instantly.

Tips for Using the Energy Calculator

  • When it comes to finding the rate that your electric company charges per kilowatt-hour, you can find this information on your monthly electricity bill.
  • By looking at the back of your appliance or by reading the instructions manual that came with it, you can determine the amount of watts it uses per hour as well
  • Do not list appliances that you use once a month such as a vacuum cleaner or washing machine, because by doing so you will not receive an accurate result.

Benefits of the Energy Calculator

  • After you’ve got a rough estimate of the amount of money each appliance within your household is costing you per year, by reducing the frequency of how often you use some of those appliances, you can save some money on your electric bill.
  • You can also determine it the watts per hour usage rate is too high and if buying an energy efficient appliance to replace it would be cost effective, which may be the case if you have an appliance that’s older than 10 years for example.

Download: Energy Calculator